Home & Office organizing and decluttering

Arranged by Amy will walk you through the process of simplifying your belongings, clearing away the excess while helping you decide on your most needed and cherished possessions and organizing them in a way that functions best for you and your family.

During this process I will:

•Declutter and sort belongings into easy to review categories for evaluation

•Provide options for earth-friendly disposal of unwanted items

•Thoughtfully organize belongings that you want to keep

•Act as the liaison with you and family members or service providers

•Arrange for and drop off charitable donations

•Dispose of recyclables and trash

Professional home and office organizing and decluttering services by Arranged by Amy in Maine, creating functional and tidy spaces for clients

Move management & Resettling

Downsizing, decluttering, packing, and moving into a new home can seem overwhelming, especially if you’ve lived in your current space for decades. Move management services with a professional organizer can help eliminate stress so you can start off your new space on the right foot and enjoy it from the moment you walk through the door. 

During this process I will:

•Provide move planning and coordination

•Decluttering, sorting, labeling and packing in preparation for a move

•Facilitate smooth and stress-free transitions

•Manage the resettling process by helping with unpacking and organizing in your new home

•Arrange for the removal of unwanted items from your previous residence that will be sold or donated

Move management and resettling services in Portland, Maine by Arranged by Amy, helping clients pack, unpack, and organizer during home moves.